30 从合恩角到亚马逊河(9)

As for mollusks, they consisted of exhibits I had already observed:


上海龙凤shlf最新地址turret snails, olive shells of the "tent olive" species with neatly intersecting lines and russet spots standing out sharply against a flesh-colored background,


fanciful spider conchs that looked like petrified scorpions, transparent glass snails, argonauts, some highly edible cuttlefish,


上海龙凤shlf最新地址and certain species of squid that the naturalists of antiquity classified with the flying fish, which are used chiefly as bait for catching cod.


As for the fish in these waterways, I noted various species that I hadn't yet had the opportunity to study.


上海龙凤shlf最新地址Among cartilaginous fish: some brook lamprey, a type of eel fifteen inches long, head greenish, fins violet,

像软骨鱼类有:化石花斑鱼,鳗鱼的一种,长 15 英寸,头灰绿,鳍紫

back bluish gray,belly a silvery brown strewn with bright spots,iris of the eye encircled in gold,


unusual animals that the Amazon's current must have swept out to sea because their natural habitat is fresh water;


sting rays, the snout pointed, the tail long, slender, and armed with an extensive jagged sting;


small one-meter sharks with gray and whitish hides, their teeth arranged in several backward-curving rows, fish commonly known by the name carpet shark;
